Saturday, January 1, 2011

Well HELLO 2011!!

I read on Facebook yesterday where someone had made the following comment to the question, 'What are your New Year's resolutions?':  "I don't make any.  If I keep my expectations low, then I'm sure to meet them."  Honestly, that statement makes me so sad.  I think way too many people look at making resolutions as a chore.  That's not the purpose of a resolution at all.  Yes, you are resolving to do something, but it's an opportunity to set goals and to dream big!  For me, it’s like setting my goals for the year; making a game plan.  Do I meet every one of them?  Not usually.  But it gives me something to strive for. 

As you probably could guess, I have some Disney related resolutions for 2011.  The two easiest are that I will take a Disney Cruise in 2011, and I will attend Star Wars Weekend in 2011.  Those are the easiest because I’ve already booked the trips!  So that’s probably cheating a little bit, but I have to say, those are two resolutions I’m very excited about!

I resolve to ride the Jungle Cruise this year, and to get my guys onto the Carousel of Progress.  I resolve to explore more of the Animal Kingdom Lodge rather than just sleeping there.  I resolve to run another Disney 5K and begin training for a half-marathon in 2012.  (Not sure yet how I’m going to pull that off, but I’m sure going to try!)

A few more Disney resolutions I have for 2011 are to read more Disney related books this year on the history and making of the parks, to develop my blog series on how Disney enriches lives in mind, body and spirit, and to stand up and be counted (some of you already know what this means, for those who don’t, be prepared for a blog about it!).  I resolve to further expand my creativity in the spirit of Disney and most of all, to live by Walt’s quote of “If you can dream it, you can do it.”  I’m ready to let my dreams become catalysts to action in 2011. 

So what are your goals and dreams for 2011 (Disney or otherwise)?  Write them down, share them with a friend, and then resolve to take action to meet those goals.  Don't be afraid.  Dream big and know that others are on this journey with you.

Happy New Year everyone!  Thank you so much for joining me on this blogging journey.  I'm so looking forward to hearing more from you all this year.

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